Friday, July 9, 2010

FUN WITH STRAW! Not the kind you sip from either!

I decided not long ago to try to grow some grass in front of my hedges. I've lived in this house 2 yrs and had not yet really tried to make it my own on the outside. So with the help of Kendelle, I dug, fertilized, seeded and packed bricks up to make a boarder. Having had some advice from a nephew of mine, I bought a bale of straw so I could put it on top of my seeded ground.  Made a huge mess! Its windy here 5 out of 7 days if your lucky and so the straw was blowing down the road, into the neighbors yards I'm sure and just making a headache. I used only a little bit of the straw but was stupid and cut the 3 strings of twine when I went to get some for the small grass area!  Here is the grass area and the actual grass that started to grow!
Here you can see some of the straw left on the grass after I raked it some. So now I had grass and didn't need the straw anymore. Now, how to get ALL the straw raked up and successfully put up to either throw away or to use later. This was hard cuz I get nasty red marks when I'm in contact with straw. I sat and thought about what to do. I ended up grabbing a tarp, picking up or racking the straw onto it. Then got the twine kendelle and I had for stringing up our topsy turvy planters. I tied the straw up with that... It took a few trial and errors for me to figure out how to string the twine up into the holes in the tarp without making a huge knot in the twine... VERY STRESSFUL!!! But I had learned in Relief Society at church earlier to learn to be PATIENT, so used some of my developing skills for being patient and got through it. YAY ME!

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